EMC Student Awards

Oral Presentation Award ($500)

  • Student presenters may self-nominate by submitting an NSF-style biosketch and a 1-page narrative about the motivation and novelty of the research. See application here.
  • The application deadline is April 24 at 11:59pm EST. All application materials should be submitted as a single pdf file on the EMC website. Go to the EMC website, click “Submit Now” for Late News, choose the Student Awards section, and upload your pdf (this cover page, the NSF-style biosketch, and the one-page narrative).
  • An awards committee will review self-nominations, along with submitted abstracts, to select a maximum of 10 student finalists to present their work during a special session of the conference.
  • Conference Committee Members and Invited Organizers will score presentations during the special session.

Poster Award ($100)

  • All student poster presenters are eligible for the poster award; however, the student must be present with the poster during the poster session to be considered for the award. (An application is not required to be considered for the Poster Award.)
  • Conference Committee Members and Invited Organizers will score posters during the poster session.