Electronic Materials Conference Code of Conduct

A core value of the Electronic Materials Conference (EMC) is being inclusive and egalitarian. EMC event participants are expected to foster an inclusive, cooperative environment where all are welcomed, open dialogue is encouraged, and all perspectives are appreciated. Every event participant is expected to act in a professional, responsible and courteous manner while engaged in EMC events and activities. Unprofessional behavior, including disparaging comments and unwelcome conduct related to sex, race, color, gender, age, disability, orientation, national origin, or religion, will not be tolerated. If any event participant engages in unprofessional behavior, EMC leadership may take any action it deems appropriate, ranging from a warning to the offender to expulsion from current and future EMC activities.    

Promoting technical excellence is another core value of EMC. EMC authors and co-authors are expected to adhere to the highest ethical standards with regard to abstract submissions, presentations, and publications. It is the responsibility of all authors to ensure the integrity of reported results, compliance with sponsoring organization policies, and the acknowledgment of contributors, funding organizations, and institutions where the research was conducted.  

It is the intent of EMC leadership to foster the respectful behavior embodied in this Code of Conduct. EMC leadership staff will be happy to help event participants contact venue authorities and otherwise assist with Code of Conduct concerns.